FREE MONEY: 2016 Democratic Presidential Debates
/The Republican Party presidential primary debates have been criticized by much of the media for lacking in substantive issues. Spurred on by the moderators, candidates have engaged in name-calling and personal attacks. The Democratic Party debates, on the other hand, have been a bidding war with the top two candidates offering a never-ending list of free stuff in exchange for votes. With friendly moderators they aren't challenged about the huge costs of these proposals or the virtual impossibility of getting them through Congress. Other than Fox News, media criticism of these ideas is nonexistent.
The democratic debates are like a heads-up national poker tournament with the primary voters as the pot going to the winner. Bernie "The Mad Scientist" Sanders leads off the betting with free college education for all. Hillary "The Hildebeast" Clinton, quickly calls the bet and raises with the offer of free universal health care for everyone. Not to be outdone, The Mad Scientist throws in expanded Social Security benefits (with of course the rich guy paying for it). The Hildebeast, in an effort to shore up her female voter bloc offers free day care for all workers (and probably non-workers too to keep the welfare bloc). The Mad Scientist responds with a raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour (regardless of whether the worker actually produces that amount of labor value to the business) and other programs to equalize income in America.
Since the primaries are just now getting underway, it can only be speculation how many further raises will be offered to win the voter pot. Some possibilities may be free home ownership for everyone to boost the job home construction market for the illegal immigrants (future democrats), since more and more lower income earners or no-income earners will have no need to be employed. It would also put an end to the need for government housing projects. Free cars with insurance (whether they want the insurance or not), free cigarettes, booze, tattoos and piercings (big ticket items for democrats) are other possibilities. The crescendo will end with one candidate going all-in offering everything to be free. The other will respond that all of the rich guy's money will be taken by force by Uncle Sam and redistributed to all with an end of wealth inequality for good.
Offering free stuff is nothing new for democratic candidates. Once the liberals completed the takeover of the Democratic Party, they were able to expand the "safety net" without concern over its impact on the national debt. It is a great device to enslave multi-generational career welfare recipients in their support of democrats politicians. The expansion of the safety net provides trickle up poverty to snare additional potential voters in governmental dependency.
With the arrival of the Obama administration came a full-court press to the left. It will require a separate blog page to discuss these more fully, but the pinnacle of his presidency has been Obamacare which was crammed down the throat of the American public when the Democratic Party had control of the White House, U.S. House of Representatives and a filibuster-proof U.S. Senate.
A few name-callings and insults are relatively minor in the big picture. The democrat promises of free stuff is serious. Our country's national debt will have doubled during the Obama administration. Unless stopped by a republican congress with gridlock, a President Hillary or Bernie would likely more than double the national debt again. Even worse than the monetary cost is the toll that government dependency takes on the will of its people. A work ethic becomes nonexistent in a generational welfare environment. Individual responsibility is a foreign concept. Bailouts for bad judgment and irresponsible conduct become expected.
We may have already arrived at the stage of the democratic evolution described in the following quote, which has been attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, but authorship is disputed: "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. Democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship".